Guidelines for Submitting Prayer Requests

Many of our members have requested some sort of prayer chain or a place where they can submit and receive regular prayer requests. The best way to do that is through our Wednesday Night Prayer Sheet. Requests can be submitted by filling out a prayer request card and putting it in the offering plate.

However; sometimes, something will take place that needs urgent prayer immediately. Because of that we offering this email notification system. This system allows the church office to send out important alerts or urgent prayer requests.

To avoid sending multiple emails each day we've listed some criteria that will help us to determine what will be sent out via email. They are as follows:

1. Prayer requests must involve a church member or an immediate family member of a church member. From time to time we may bypass this to cover someone in full time ministry or an exceptional need. 

2. The person must be critically ill, in the hospital, scheduled for surgery, or in a life threatening situation.

3. If the request will be sufficiently handled through the Wednesday night prayer sheet, it will not be handled through email.

4. Examples of what will be covered: A person is hospitalized, a death in the family, an emergency surgery, or any other need that must be addressed immediately.

5. For all requests we will look to the prayer sheet as the first option. If that will not be sufficient because of sensitivity to time, we will send out an email notification. Prayer sheets are available at any church service.

To submit a request for email you will need to send an email to Bro Andy.

We will do our best to update all requests once they have been answered.

Thank you,

The Pastoral Staff

Ministry Contact

Andy Folger

Service Times

10:00 AM - Bible Classes for Children,
                    Teens, and Adults
11:00 AM - Worship Services
                   Classes for Children
6:00 PM - Evening Service

7:00 PMBible Study

6:30 PMThursday Night Youth